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What I've come to really love about this project is the sense of community it provides. In this day and age, it can be so easy to feel alone, when we allow our lives to be tethered by the false methods that technology provides us. We believe that we're connecting, when really we're just plugged in. I'm not an idealist, but I believe the live power of art and performance is a force that should not be forgotten in our modern age. The Planet Helen Project, in a kind of weird way, brings that force to a digital medium. We can collaborate and create in a real shared experience. There's no hierarchy to it. Here we're all equal. Here we're all just trying to build something cool. And then deal with it when someone drops a bomb right into the middle of everything. The end result isn't a product, it's a journey. In Planet Helen, we can see characters live, struggle, and reach, all while witnessing the artists here on Earth do the same. We're just a community of people committed to building something honest. In the words of a director I once assisted for, 'The only authority in the room is the art. Serve that and everything else will turn out ok.'  - J. Gray  

I've been trying to take over the world for roughly fourteen years now, and failing for most of it. I first started creating when I was ten years old, after my parents bought me a video camera and a drum set. Now years later I've tried my hand at just about every artistic venture available, and have, at times, defined myself as a musician, theatre director, playwright, screenwriter, filmmaker, and for one very long day, a painter. However, no matter what  side alley life has detoured me through, one destination has always remained constant, I am a writer. My mediums and methods have shifted, but I've always been a teller of stories. Aside from writing, I love traveling, collecting vinyl, and reading. Since graduating from higher education, I've been struggling to make the most of a life based around my degree in theatre. Project Helen provides a pretty good distraction.   

Justin Jay Gray

Co-founder, Author of The Journeyman Chronicles

"You think you’re strong because you fight, but real strength comes when you have no ability, and yet you fight anyway.” -Julien

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