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Bladd (n): The Bladd is a shortsword with anywhere from 10-20 individual portions that make up the blade. On the handle there is a trigger and reel system. When "cast" and triggered to release the Bladd can extend up to 20 feet making it much like a whip but with very sharp edges. After casting the Bladd you may reel it in by reactivating the trigger and the spring system within pulls the blade back together.  A skilled Bladdsmen can pull birds out of the sky, fruit from trees, and control distance between an enemy and themselves very well. A foot of rope per link: a 15 link Bladd goes 15 feet, etc.

Fourshooter (n): Analogous to a pistol. A fourshooter is a small handheld weapon that can be made of several different substances and varitiies. The core component of a four shooter, is four chambers, in which projectiles can be placed. Four taught garter strings that all attached to the main trigger, shoot the projectiles at high velocities when released. The pieces are not incredibly accurate, unless well trained, and in standard artillery are usually only carried by officers. Slang: Shooter.

Grue (n): An offhand gauntlet built for assassins and melee fighters. Encased within the gauntlet is a blade that can be changed depending on what will be needed.  Some use scimitar blades and others use a curved blade that wraps around the arm used primarily for stabbing. The blade engages and retracts with a switch controlled by the hand. A small shield can be applied to the arm of the gauntlet, but it is strong enough to block without.

Hanbarken Carver (n): A long curved metal blade, about a foot long. The blades are generally hand carved, and contain designs specifically made to catch on the ribs upon stabbing. They are an incredibly brutal type of dagger. The handles also come with grips on both sides, and a small metal ring, which can pivot the blade easily on the flick of a finger.

Thoundhammer (n): A massive hammer, generally made of steel or lead, attached to a wooden staff. While initially created as a tool for primitive civilizations, recorded uses of thoundhammer’s as weapons, dates back several centuries, and some call it the first weapon ever created. Mostly obsolete now, thoundhammer’s take years of training to wield properly, and many have died by accident using one.

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