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Builder (n): A role in Harvesthome established after the liberation night. The buildings lost in the raid were redesigned by Manala to better suit the interests of the culture combination: Harvesters and Woodsmen. Builders were responsible for building, rebuilding, and expanding already built structures. Of the many new buildings being made, Granaries designed after Solstice’s mills were the major project.

Coaxer (n): An informant that gets information through the process of physical extortion/torture/beatings/etc.

Constable (n): A Solsticean keeper of the peace.

Gatherer (n): A Harvesthome occupation. Gatherers travel in groups for safety and are often accompanied by the local law-keepers Justices. They forage in the Queenwood for Sol-fruit, which grows in large quantities. The danger lies in the difficulty to navigate the woods and the presence of Woodsmen (see Woodsmen). The Gatherer store the Sol-fruit in special packs that have individual pocket sewn, so the delicate fruit won’t get bruised. The Gatherers are mainly female, and the most successful are often quick and observant.

Harvester (n): 1) The main occupation of Harvesthome. Harvesters are farmers that cultivate and Harvest Autumn-grass throughout the year. The task in onerous and tiresome, Harvesters are known to have dark tans and leathery skin. Sharp blades of Autumn-grass can make the task harrowing, and because of this Harvesters often wear harvest pants. The thick clothing protects them from cuts, but makes them prone to heat exhaustion. In the spring, the fields are tilled and sown. In the summer, the growing blades are brushed with giant wicker brooms. To stimulate quicker growth, and separate the stalks for easier harvesting. In the Autumn, the grass is threshed every week: rolled, baled, drawn, and sold in raw bushels to the granaries to Solstice.
  2) A person from Harvesthome is called a Harvester, despite occupation.

Hatcher (n): (In Harvesthome) Hatchers collect, incubate, and maintain Utility-nature. This can apply to anyone who breeds Glow-worms for their shining silk, or irrigates light-caps for their Glowing fungus. After the liberation night in Harvesthome, Manala was appointed Prime Hatcher, and brought a whole new level of activity to the role.
(In Orphan) ‘Hatcher’ can refer to anyone who works with the breeding and maintained of small animals.

Hunter (n): An occupation in Harvest home, after the liberation night. Hunters were initially responsible for herding, capturing, and domesticating the deer mounts that were scattered throughout the valley after the liberation raid. Aside from hunting for deer, the Hunters are also in charge of exterminating predator beasts, and breeding deer for riding. Jore Horpe became the first Prime Hunter after the liberation of Harvesthome.

Justice: (n): The Law keepers of Harvesthome, The Justice system is a trained group of volunteers that defend the town of Harvesthome from dangerous Fauna, and raiding Woodsmen. Their identifying color is dark green, and their insignia is an embroidered white tree on the right sleeve. Each Justice carries a wood-hardened staff, and is responsible for a number of duties: Nightly patrols, Settling domestic disputes, Settling property disputes, Escorting Gatherers, Maintaining the peace, Handling unruly Harvesters, and the like. Justices are set in a loose cast system: Trainee, Novice, Adept, Prime’s Ward, and Prime. Adepts are given a Hart, and a hound; both of which must be properly trained in order to be considered for the role of Prime Justice (See: Prime Justice)

Plateau slave (n): Any laborer in the region of ‘The Grand Plateau’ that was obtained through banditry or raids. Since the plateaus are believed to be inhabited by barbarians, being a slave of the Plateau is the lowest of the low. Many are believed to be prostitutes, and used for freakish rites; yet this is not based in fact.

Prime Justice (n): The Leader of the Justice system in Harvesthome. The Prime Justice’s main task is to recruit and train volunteer Justices. The Prime Justices main responsibility in to ensure interdisciplinary action on other Justices who step outside the bounds of the law. There is only one Prime Justice at a time, and the role is passed down to their ward should they pass away in action.

Provider (n): One of the occupations of Harvesthome, after the night of Liberation. Providers are responsible for preparing meals for the other work forces, the base of operations being the Bounty. Manala established the Providers to be the educators in the new source of foodstuff (the combination of Autumn-grass and Grass-kin), they are in charge of preparation, cooking, and distributing of rations to the swelled population. Deon became the first Prime Provider.
Prime Gatherer (n): The Prime Gatherer is a well respected role in Harvesthome Society. The Prime Gatherer is responsible for organizing each Gathering, dividing the Gatherers into groups, and the base pricing of the spoils from a Gathering. They are also in charge of Mapping the Queenwood, scheduling the Gatherings, and selecting the Justice accompaniment on a trip. The Prime Gatherer is often an excellent leader, cautious, and observant individual. The Prime Gatherer may also be charged with the training of an apprentice. All Prime Gatherers must have a basic understanding horology(Time telling), herbology, and field-medical procedures.

Regional Grand-Judge (n): Champion of one’s nation, the Regional Grand-Judge is the hand of each nation. They travel their regions, carrying out the orders of the civilizations leadership. They have the power of the law, and may act on any instance they deem necessary to complete their task. The Regional Grand-Judge is a title to reckon with, and only follows direct orders from government officials, or royal monarchs (depending on the location).

Scouter (n): An occupation following the liberation night at Harvesthome. Scouters consist of  hart-mounted Harvesters and Woodsmen that continually search the area for fleeing survivors, missing people, or trouble in general. Scouter camps were established along the mouth of the knife, to watch for invading forces being sent from Solstice. Gather Yon Yelso was the first Prime Scouter, and the youngest Prime to ever be appointed at 15 years old.

Transporter (n): An occupation in Harvesthome, following the liberation night. Transporters were responsible for navigating the Queenwood and moving any possessions or raw materials that were left behind in the initial raid. Transporters were also responsible for moving foodstuff for providers, materials for builders, and even aid in the herding of Deer when needed. Gather Lee became the first Prime Transporter.

Wisemen (n): Holy men of the highest order (see Order of the Higher Cloud). There are 10 that sit on a central council in Fusion, and govern all religious activity in Dol’Phan. Highly respected and feared. To touch one without permission is grounds for death, as it is believed that the unclean hand will taint the purity of the Wiseman

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