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Breath’s chance underwater: [Slang] Absolutely no possible way. Ex: Iceberg’s chance in hell.

Eve (n): [Slang] Evening, referring to anytime after Corna has set, and Tarna is still in the sky.

Gerried (n): pronounced with a hard ‘g’, to gerry something means to fuck it up royally.

Great-Mother (n): Akin to Grandmother in Harvesthome.

Gunge-Chase (n): [Slang] An impossible futile attempt at something. To put effort and resources into a useless attack. Ex: A wild goose chase.

Hoy (interjection): [Slang] A Solsticean greeting, traditionally used to hail someone over great distances.

Karry (v): to agree.

Sphere (n): [Slang] Obscene language, location. (Where the Sphere have you been/To Sphere with you/etc) Used synonymously with ‘Hell’, as the locations have similar backgrounds. Derivative of Rentis-Sphere.

Stark naked crazy (adj): Knowingly foolish to the degree of insanity. People usually referred to by this sentence have little forethought, and act definitely; Confidently foolish; Naïvely confident.

Stick to your/his/her shooter (v): Never back down, adjust, or allow extortion from others to cloud one’s judgment. Double-entendre: someone who is sexually determined; one track minded, usually referring to males.

Stir the Shit-stew (v): [Vulgar slang] To cause a lot of trouble that could otherwise be avoided.

Time of Day: Throughout Orphan there is particular lingo that matches the rotation of the heavenly bodies:
Clear in the sky: Used when one moon or sun because invisible due to the larger moon or sun overpowering.

In full Reign: When a Moon/Sun is directly overhead, casts no shadow, and when it is brightest. (Midday)

Turning of life, the (n): The way things inevitably are. 

Under the blade (expression): A saying, analogous to under the radar.

Where haunted ears hear (expression): Analogous to ‘speak of the devil’, or said when the subject of conversation is in earshot; a rude expression.

Yikchock (n):An ancient mythical creature originating from a Mariharian parable. According to the legend, yikchoks were an ancient rodent like species of varying sizes. Originally created to serve as prey to many larger species, the yikchocks became upset with their lot in the world. So they asked the creator for more means to protect themselves. When the creator asked them to respect his great design, and continue to serve the purpose, the yikchocks all decided to hide beneath rocks, so none could be found. The creator, furious over their trick, then buried them underneath, so they would never be able to move. Many Marihari believed that any rock could still be covering the remains of a yikchock. Though the parable is lost on the world at large, the term has become a derogatory slang, referring to someone who is overly stubborn or cowardly.

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